January 1, 1970
A sad change occurred in my life on January 7, 2008, when my beloved horse Atherton had to be put to sleep. He developed colic and we took him to the Tufts veterinary hospital, where we learned that he stood very little chance of coming through post-surgery.Atherton had not been trailored since arriving here at the farm as a weanling in 1989, but he stepped onto the trailer like a gentleman, and seemed very interested in the Tufts facility. Everyone there was wonderful, and I know we gave him every chance there was. It was too soon, and I miss him deeply. As his vet always said--before trying to give him his shots!--"He's the perfect Morgan." Always was, always will be.
Positive changes; I'm trying to decide which of Atherton's two beautiful nieces to buy--Robin or Joy.
Currently I'm working on a big fat fun horse book for Storey Publishing, called "Horse Crazy." I'd love to hear about any fun horse projects or unusual horse/kid activities anyone wants to share.
When I finish that I'll begin working on the history of my town, Westminster, Vermont.
And at least once a week I work on my newest pony story, Princess Pony.
I'm also doing school visits. So far I've been to St. Johnsbury and vicinity, and Springfield. Later this spring I'll go to Craftsbury, Sharon, and Rutland. My husband Michael J. Daley and I will both visit schools in Montpelier and Leyden, Massachussetts. And we continue to work on kids' stories with the Maple Leaf writing contest in the Brattleboro elementary schools.
Wishing you all well.